dictation 자료:
mp3 자료:
I can see you in your new apartment! And you can see me! Same as yesterday, same as the day before.
Is he doing his shark attack bit yet? No, wait! There he goes very funny Ross! Very life-like and funny.
bit- 짧은 쇼 / life-like-실제 같은
Okay, oh no-no-np, I wasn’t waving at you lady. Whoa, maybe I was!
Hey, Monica, this totally hot girl in Ross’s building is flirting with me.
flirt- 꼬시다.
Get in there man! Flirt back, mix it up! Yeah, I’m down with that.
I’m down - 완전 동의해!
Okay here goes. How you doing? It worked! She’s waving me over. Okay I’ll be right over.
Let’s see, she’s on the third floor. Wow! She is pretty, huh? Tell me about it, huh?
She is - 강조하려고 (she's ) 안 줄임
Tell me about it- 내말이~~(동의)
Oh no no no, I’m not with her. That’s just Monica! Ewwuck! Hey joey! Great stuff huh?
This is your place? Of course it is. Yeah come on in.
place - home 보단 place라고 외국인들은 많이씀.
Ooh-ooh go by the window you can pretend to be surfing.
pretend- ~인 척 하다.
But I counted, you’re not supposed to live here! Oh man! Ugh!!
be supposed to ~하기로 되어있다.
What happened? I ended up at Ross’s place. Oh I must have miscounted or something. Damn!
end up- ~로 마무리하다.
She’s not there anymore. Oh, look, Ross is doing his ‘Watching TV’ bit.No joey I think he’s just watching Tv.